Cornerstone Cooperative


About Us

A Little About Cornerstone Cooperative...

Cornerstone is a family-oriented, Christian homeschool co-op committed to learning and growing together with like-minded believers who are dedicated to God’s Word and supporting each other in both education and life. We seek to partner with families who are interested in gathering together to support one other’s unique homeschool calling, and to build community as we follow God's will. 

Our community strives to  encourage life-long learning, build up Godly character, and create lasting friendships through the wisdom of the Lord. In addition, Cornerstone Cooperative provides educational, social, and extracurricular activities, field trips, support, and enrichment for our Member Families. We believe that God has called us to be a community of families living out a vibrant faith that blesses our world through serving and loving one another.

Cornerstone Co-op is a private, board-run, membership only homeschool group that offers academic and extracurricular classes for Kindergarten – High School grades (with nursery and preschool opportunities for the younger siblings of our enrolled students). While co-op is not a replacement for the parent as the teacher at home, we do offer classes that will enhance or supplement what is being studied at home. Each semester we offer an array of fun and educational classes utlizing parents' God-given passions, talents and abilities.

We are parent-led and do not have any drop-off options. As such, each and every parent has an important role and is vital to making each co-op day run smoothly. We require all parents commit to 3 hours of service as either a teacher, assistant, hall monitor, nursery worker, etc.  We also have opportunities to give the morning devotional and for teens to serve on the worship team during chapel.  

We currently meet on Mondays in Seymour and Tuesdays in Maryville. Families have the option to attend just one campus or both campuses, whichever meets their needs best. If you are interested in joining our homeschool community, please click the “Join Now” button below.  

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it". Proverbs 22:6

Application Process


The application process has now closed for the 2024-25 academic year.  We will resume processing applications for the 2025-26 academic year in January 2025.

1.  Read our Statement of Faith.

1.  Complete online application (process has closed).

2.  Complete background check HERE.

3.  Have your pastor complete the reference form HERE, and ask him to email to [email protected].

4.  Await an introductory phone call from our admissions team.

5.  Applicants moving forward in the process will be scheduled for a family interview.

Important Co-Op Dates

*June 1st: family interview date for new applicants

*June 17th: Class Sign-Up Day

*August 12th/13th: Co-Op Orientation

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

2024-2025 Academic Year

Membership Information

Membership Details

Membership allows your family to participate in activities such as:

  • Field trips

  • Parties

  • Dances

  • Teen Events (ages 13+)

  • School photos & Yearbook

  • Moms' Night Out

  • Online community

  • Co-Op Classes

Prior to requesting Membership, read the Statement of Faith and other pertinent membership requirements on our website. If you find Cornerstone to be a good fit for your family according to the following eligibility requirements, follow the instructions below to begin the process of becoming a member.

 Eligibility Requirements (excerpt from the handbook):

  • Attending parent(s) must be in agreement with Cornerstone’s Statement of Faith.

  • Families must be homeschooling according to Tennessee Home School law.

  • Oldest child in the family must be at least 5 years old at the beginning of the semester. 

  • Attending children must attend with their own parent or legal guardian. 

  • Primary (attending) parent(s) must complete a background check.  If the background check precludes a potential member from being eligible to work with children, membership will be denied.


Steps to Membership

If you have decided to apply and you meet all of the above eligibility requirements, here are the steps in the application process:

1.  Read our Statement of Faith

1.  Complete online application (process has now closed).

2.  Complete background check HERE.

3.  Have your pastor complete the reference form HERE, and ask him to email to [email protected].

4.  Await an introductory phone call from our admissions team.

5.  Applicants moving forward in the process will be scheduled for a family interview.

Membership Fees

  • Membership fees: $30/year per family.

  • Semester Fees: $60/semester per family (additional fees apply to each class and will be paid to teachers directly to cover supplies/time)

  • All fees are non-refundable.

Memberships will expire the following June.

Join Our Facebook Group!


What is Cornerstone Cooperative?

We are a volunteer-run homeschooling group that offers a yearly cooperative membership option to the greater East Tennessee homeschool community. We provide opportunities for homeschoolers in our area to participate in weekly co-op days that include both academic and enrichment class offerings, as well as activities, field trips, dances, and events for moms and families along with online support and connection.  Cornerstone Cooperative is designed to enrich your homeschooling, not replace your homeschooling at home.

What is a "co-op"?

Co-op is short for cooperative, where people work together towards a common goal. Cornerstone parents pool our talents and time to provide an opportunity for our children to be with peers, whether it be on co-op meeting days or at other events scheduled throughout the year. We work together to emphasize fellowship, discipleship, and support within our community. On co-op meeting days, every family is expected to participate each week and fill a role within our cooperative, whether it’s teaching or helping out in the nursery, security and hall monitoring, assisting with morning set-up, or clean-up at the end of the day. We strive to place a parent in an area based on their gifts and/or children’s needs; however, there are no guarantees, and we ask each parent to have a servant’s heart as we work together for the greater good of our community. 

Where, what time, and which day does Cornerstone meet?

Cornerstone Cooperative meets in Maryville, TN as well as Seymour, TN. Classes are held weekly on Mondays (Seymour) and Tuesdays (Maryville). Our schedule is as follows: 

Chapel - 9:30am to 9:55am  

First Hour - 10am to 10:50am

Second Hour - 11:00am to 11:50am

Lunch - 11:50 to 12:30pm

Third Hour - 12:30pm to 1:20pm

Fourth Hour - 1:30pm to 2:20pm

Contact Us

Cornerstone Cooperative
[email protected]

Rooted Music

We are proud to partner with Rooted Music Coaching during our co-op class days!