Cornerstone Cooperative

Sunday Getaway for Moms

Date – Time

March 3, 2024 – 3:00 PM

Grade/Age Restriction

Adult–Adult 20+

Additional Information

We invite you to to come away to the mountains for a time of rest, relaxation, good conversation, and sweet times of fellowship with fellow Cornerstone Mommas. 

This is a time set aside for you to connect with other moms, maybe read a book or work on a project you've been trying to complete, or just sit and rest. We will have minimal structure to this event and trust that the Lord will work it out to be whatever we each need it to be.

You are welcome to come for the day into the late evening, or stay until the following day if your schedule allows.  (The co-op is on spring break this week so you don't have to worry about rushing back for classes.)  We hope it will be a blessing to you to have a little getaway and be refreshed!

Bring your Bible, change of clothes and toiletries you may need if you're staying over, a blanket and pillow, and be sure to sign up HERE to bring a dish to share.  We're going to have a great, relaxing time together!

*Nursing infants are welcome.

*Please be sure to indicate whether you will be staying over or not in the signup drop down menu when you register.